Can parrots eat plums

Can Parrots Eat Plums?

Parrots love fruits as much as we do, but some of them might not be the best for them. That is why you shouldn’t share everything you eat with your parrot, even if it’s a healthy fruit such as plum.

While the plum itself is not harmful to parrots, its stone or pit can be toxic to them. Parrots can safely eat plums with the pits removed. You can offer plums as occasional snacks, as fruits should not constitute a large portion of their diet. Nevertheless, plums are a healthy treat for parrots to enjoy. They tend to be a little sugary but the high water content makes it okay for parrots to eat.

Are Plums Safe For Parrots?

Plums are safe for parrots to eat and also highly nutritious. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when serving them to your parrot. The plum stone contains a toxic compound that can be harmful to parrots if they accidentally ingest it. 

The size of the pit can vary though parrots can easily ingest it when given the opportunity. If the pit is bigger than the typical size, it can even become a choking hazard. This is why you should only give your parrot plums after removing the pit.

Parrot eating plum

Are Plum Pits Toxic To Parrots?

Plums can be a delicious snack for parrots but only with their poisonous pits removed. You might be tempted to share plum with your parrot especially when they’re looking at you with puppy eyes. But think twice before giving it to them. Certain parts of the plum are not safe for parrots. The plum pit or stone, contains amygdalin, a compound that converts into into hydrogen cyanide when ingested.

Consuming amygdalin even in small quantities can cause cyanide poisoning in parrots. Plum poisoning or toxicity can cause symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea in parrots. In extreme cases, it can lead to seizures, tremors, and even death. If your parrot has accidentally eaten parts of the plum pit, you need to immediately take them to a veterinarian. 

What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Plums To Your Parrot?

Plums boast a number of health benefits for parrots. They are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that improve their overall health. Here are the benefits of plums for parrots:

Prevents Constipation

Plums are rich in fiber and also contain a good amount of water. It can move around food in their stomach and speed up digestion. It can be especially beneficial in relieving constipation in parrots. If your parrot has recently eaten a water food like plum, don’t be surprised if their poop is a little watery.

Rich In Antioxidants

Plums are high in antioxidants, which help combat inflammation and prevent cells from harm caused by free radicals. Due to the low sugar content, it also helps in the reduction of the risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Plums are particularly high in vitamin A, which contributes to the creation of pigments in your parrot’s body and improves feather quality and beak health. The plums skin contains vitamin C which can help bolster your parrot’s immune system and fight illnesses.

How Many Plums Can Parrots Eat?

The standard quantity of plums to feed an adult parrot can differ based on its size. Larger species of parrots can be allowed to eat 1-2 plums. Whereas, the smaller species should not eat more than one plum at a time. Moderation is important while feeding plums to your parrot. These fruits are usually a bit on the sugary side of things which may cause problems for your parrot.

How to Safely Feed Plums To Your Parrot?

As we mentioned above, removing the pit is essential when feeding plums to your parrot. But you also want to make sure your parrot eats the healthiest part of the plum; the drupe.

Plum skin is edible, but it is not entirely safe for parrots. Unless the fruit is organic, chances are the skin will be coasted with pesticides and wax. You can remove the plum skin by blanching the fruit. 

Dip the plum in a pot of boiling water for 15 seconds, then place the plum in the cold water right after. This quick blanching process should make the skin easy to peel off and you can serve it to your parrot to enjoy. It also makes the plum flesh softer.


Can Parrots Eat Prunes?

Prunes are made by drying plums and have an increased concentration of sugar. Parrots can eat prunes but in very small amounts. One prune contains approximately 3.6 grams of sugar which is too much for a parrot. So you shouldn’t give your parrot more than a small piece of a prune.

Can Parrots Eat Canned Plums?

No, you should not give canned plums to your parrot. Canned plums are high in sugar and often contain additives and preservatives. They also lack many of the nutrients that are found in fresh fruits. Fresh, ripe plums with the pit removed are best suited for parrots.

Final Thoughts

Parrots love juicy fruits. So, it’s no wonder they like plums and take their eyes off them when you’re eating in front of them. If your parrots a bite of the fruit, sure you can give it some, but make sure they don’t catch the seed. Sometimes, it can be small enough for the parrot to swallow which can create problems. And if it doesn’t properly fit its mouth, it can become a choking hazard. So either way you should keep your parrot away from the fruit pits of any kind. Whenever you’re giving plum to your parrot, ensure that you have taken out the stone.

Dorson Joseph
Dorson Joseph

I'm Dorson, a bird enthusiast who's had a lifelong fascination for the avian world. I am a parent to my beloved Senegal parrot and budgie, which has deepened my love for avian creatures and taught me a lot over the years. I co-run a bird store and care center with my friends, where we work with experienced professionals to care for our flock. Now, I find great joy in sharing my knowledge with others, hoping to assist fellow bird keepers and enthusiasts in understanding birds and helping them live happy lives.

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