Parrots need a lot of sleep. It’s normal for parrots to take short midday naps even after getting their regular night’s sleep.
But it can be worrying if it seems like your parrot is spending more time sleeping than being awake. And so, you may wonder why your parrot is sleeping so much.
If your parrot sleeps all day and seems lethargic for much of the time, it can be sick. However, there can be several other reasons as well such as low-quality sleep at night, intense exercise, disturbed sleep schedule, poor diet, and even seasonal changes.
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How Many Hours Do Parrots Sleep?
Parrots need an average of 10 – 12 hours of undisturbed sleep every night. For us, it may seem like a lot, but when you think about how active parrots are when they’re awake, it is not surprising that they need to sleep so much.
In addition to their good night’s sleep, parrots may also take short naps during the day. The duration and frequency of these daytime naps can vary depending on the individual parrot and their level of activity.
Why Is My Parrot Sleeping All Day?
There can be several reasons why your parrot may sleep all day other than health issues. Although in majority of the cases, sleeping too much is a symptom of illness in parrots, there are certain factors that you should also consider. However, if your parrot is showing visible signs of being ill, you should immediately take it to the vet.

Inadequate Sleep At Night
Parrots need a good 10-12 hours of peace to catch their zzzs. One of the reasons your parrot may sleep more during the day might be because it’s been up at night.
Parrots are diurnal creatures and need to have a good long sleep at night in order to be active and energized. Here are a few reasons why your parrot may not be getting proper rest during the night:
Uncomfortable Temperatures
Extreme temperatures can make it difficult for parrots to get quality sleep at night. Parrots need a comfortable and warm environment to rest properly.
If the temperatures are too hot, parrots may start to pant and lose moisture. They might become irritable and restless.
Regulating the temperature around the house to make it bird-appropriate is something that is often overlooked. The temperatures that may be comfortable for you might not be for your parrot.
That is why it is recommended you do not keep them in the same room as you. It is essential to ensure that parrots have a well-ventilated space with proper temperature control to help them get restful sleep.
Inconsistent Routine
Domesticated parrots need to have a schedule, it helps them complete their resting hours in proper order and also improves their overall well-being. Your parrot will appreciate you building a routine for them. Parrots like to have a consistent schedule as it makes them feel more secure.
Noisy Environment
Parrots need deep sleep to feel refreshed in the morning. But in order for that, they need to be in an undisturbed and calm environment.
If you do not put your parrot to bed at a reasonable hour, it will likely be disturbed by constant noises coming from outside.
You should also switch off the television and keep your parrots in a quiet environment, preferably in a separate room.
Light can be a disturbance for parrots and make it difficult for them to fall asleep. Their sleeping patterns have been conditioned based on darkness. Darkness signals that it’s time to rest.
So, if there’s excessive light, especially during their designated sleep hours, it can disrupt their natural sleep patterns.
Bright lights can keep them alert when they should be winding down. Even if they try to sleep they cannot go into deep sleep in the presence of direct light.

Seasonal Changes
Most parrot species belong to tropical regions where there are equal amounts of darkness and light consistently throughout the year. However certain species of parrots that belong to sub-tropical or temperate areas can be affected by changes in the day lengths.
Parrots may sleep more during the winter season as the nights are longer. It may also happen to parrots that originate in tropical regions because the natural daylight variations and temperature fluctuations can disrupt their sleeping patterns, leading them to adjust according to the season.
Young parrots need more sleep compared to adult parrots as they are still growing. Sleep is crucial for their overall growth and supports their active learning process. It is also important for developing memory and improving brain function.
Even after parrots have developed their flight feather, they aren’t adults yet. And it is normal for them to take a bit longer in bed or have a little more sleep during the day.
Similarly, senior parrots may also need more sleep due to the changes their bodies undergo. Older parrots have much lower metabolism and energy levels than parrots who are mature.
Older parrots may feel more tired and require extra rest to recharge. They might also have age-related health conditions that make them feel fatigued and in need of more sleep.
Poor Nutrition
A balanced diet and eating enough food is important for parrots to maintain their energy levels. Parrots have a high metabolism which demands they eat on a regular basis. In case your parrot is not eating enough, it will have a lot less energy for the day and will sleep more.
Hiding inside the cage or being less active than usual are coping techniques parrots use when they’re stressed. If your parrot suddenly seems to be less active and does not make much noise, it can be stressed or bored.
Stress can be taxing on parrots. It can enervate them and make them feel sleepier. Sleeping more can be a coping mechanism for parrots. So, it is important to investigate the matter and find out what things in their environment might be stressing them out.
Night Frights
Parrots can have bad dreams, just like us. It can happen when they wake up in the middle of the night to take a peek around. In the dimness of the room, objects can appear different, sometimes even scary. Parrots can easily get startled by seeing their toys or objects in the night.
That’s why it’s important to make their surroundings completely dark. You can do this by closing the blinds and turning off all the lights in the room. It’s also a good idea to take out any small objects or toys from their cage at night. This way, they won’t get scared by them.
During episodes of night frights, a parrot may suddenly become uneasy. It can cause various reactions in the bird, such as puffing up its feathers, falling off the perch, moving around the cage in a frantic manner, and throwing its toys and objects from the cage.
Physical Activity
Physical exercise can also impact a parrot’s energy levels. Although it is good that your parrot engages in physical activities, too much exercise can make them tired and induce more sleep.
Ideally, you should have your parrots exercise for about 20-30 minutes outside of their regular playtime. You need to create a balance between active time and adequate rest.
If they play a lot or fly around for a long time, they can get tired. So it’s normal for them to take some extra sleep to recover.
Molting Season
Parrots molt two to three times a year. During a molt, they can feel more tired and sleepy because of the energy it takes to regrow new feathers.
Parrots need more rest because their bodies are utilizing more nutrients and resources. More sleep is normal during the molting season and is even essential for the parrot’s health. It helps their bodies use nutrients efficiently to make new feathers.
If you’ve ruled out the above reasons and find that your parrot is sleeping excessively, you should take it to a vet. Sleeping long hours or all day is not normal in parrots.
They are good at hiding their illnesses, so it may be hard to notice at first. But if your parrot seems weak or unwell, it might be the reason why it is sleeping so much.
Here are some common symptoms of illness in parrots:
- Fluffed-up feathers
- Lethargy
- Reduced appetite
- Trouble perching
- Sleeping excessively or spending most of the time on the cage floor