Non dusty pet birds

9 Best Non-Dusty Pet Birds For People With Allergies

If you or any member of your family suffers from allergies, finding the right species of bird might be one thing to look into. Many people are unaware of feather dust while choosing a bird and realize later how much dander a bird can shed.  

The white powdery substance birds shed from their skin and feathers pollutes the home environment and can be a cause of allergies in humans. There are some particularly dusty birds that can cause sneezing, sniffling, and even trigger asthma. 

Although no bird species is truly hypoallergenic, some produce less dander or allergens than others. Those are the ones that do not trigger an immune response quite as bad and are considered suitable for people with allergies. 

Why Are Some Birds So Dusty?

Birds naturally produce some amount of dander to maintain the textures of their feathers. The majority of the birds utilize oils from their uropygial gland to preen their feathers, however, certain species referred to as powder-based birds rely more on a fine white powder known as dander for their grooming behaviors. 

This dander acts as a substitute for the oils produced by the preening gland. Apart from this, factors such as size and the place of origin also contribute to the bird’s overall dander production. 

What Makes Birds Hypoallergenic?

Technically speaking, no bird is 100% hypoallergenic, however, there are certain species that shed less dust overall and do not trigger allergies. The amount of dander they produce can be further minimized by taking appropriate steps.

Cleaning the cage regularly, bathing the bird, and using air filters are some of the measures you can take to prevent feather dust from affecting you and your family members with allergies. I’ve made a complete guide on how to manage parrot dust around the house, you can check that out here.

The 9 Best Hypoallergenic Pet Birds

Now that you know more about parrot dust and allergies, let’s go over some of the best hypoallergenic pet birds. Here is a list of pet birds that are not dusty:

  1. Budgies
  2. LoveBirds
  3. Parrotlets
  4. Eclectus Parrots
  5. Macaws (Except Hyacinth Macaw)
  6. Poicephalus
  7. Quaker Parrots
  8. Conures
  9. Toucans


Most parakeets have oil-based feathers and hence are naturally low dander-birds. Budgies in particular are the least dusty birds due to their small size. They make a good choice for individuals with allergies and asthma.

Their smaller size works to their advantage, as it limits their dander overall. But it’s not just their hypoallergenic qualities that make budgies a fantastic pet choice. These little companions are undeniably cute, with their playful antics and endearing chirps brightening up any room. 

Budgie sitting in its cage


Parrotlets are the tiniest parrots you’ll ever come across. These birds come from the regions of Middle and South America and do not possess powder downs. Despite their small size, they resemble parrots in many ways, such as their personality, looks, and chirping abilities. 


Another species of smaller parrots, love birds have shiny feathers because they preen them with their natural oils. They are much less likely to overrun your house with dust as their tiny bodies and short tail feathers do not shed dust quite as much. 

Senegal Parrots

If your love parrots and don’t want to compromise on size, Senegal parrots may be the perfect choice for you. Senegal parrots come from parts of Central and South America, which are less humid, making them a non-dusty parrot species. They are medium-sized parrots and have a loving and social personality.

Senegal parrot

Eclectus Parrots

Eclectus parrots are renowned for their amicable nature and highly social nature. They make great family pets because of their ability to bond with people and also the fact that they are non-dusty birds.

Eclectus parrots have minimal dander production, reducing the risk of triggering allergic reactions. If you’re looking for a loving and intelligent companion without the worry of allergies, Eclectus parrots may be the perfect match for you.

Macaws (Except Hyacinth Macaw)

If you’re fond of having a larger parrot at home, you can choose to have a Macaw. Its lustrous and colorful feathers are oil-based and do not make much mess around the house. Macaws can be loveable pets for the whole family because of their mimicking abilities and highly social nature. They are also safe for people with allergies.  

Keep in mind though, due to their large size, they may produce comparatively more dust than some of the other species mentioned in the list. It is also important to note that not all types of Macaws are low-dander birds. Hyacinth Macaws come into the category of dust-based birds due to the lack of a preening gland. These birds do not secrete oils and hence, preen their feathers from the dust they produce.   

macaw parrot

Quaker Parrots

Quaker parrots are another excellent bird that does not have a powder-down coat. They do not have the most lustrous feathers of some of the other parrots, in fact, the grey color does look a bit dry, but they are for the most part a non-dusty bird. 


Conures are another great pet bird to have. These yellow-feathered parrots tend to produce a lot less dander compared to some other bird species, making them a suitable choice for individuals who are sensitive to feather dust. They are lively, colorful and have engaging personalities. 

Sun Conure in cage


For people that are particularly looking for parrots, toucans can be a great choice. They’re affectionate and peace-loving birds that can be fun to be around. Plus they do not make all that much noise either. Having a talking parrot is great but their incessant chirping can drown other sounds in the house. 

Toucans can also be your partner for a long time with their average lifespan in capacity being as high as 25 years. However, for some people, they may not be the first choice for a pet bird due to their large size and high maintenance.

Which Pet Birds Are The Dustiest?

Some birds primarily use dust to preen their feathers and produce loads of dander every day. If you are allergic to bird dander, you shouldn’t be anywhere near the following birds:


By far the dustiest bird out there, cockatoos have pure white feathers that shroud the dander falling from them. You can only notice their large amounts of dust on a black surface or when it accumulates in the house. If you have anyone in your house that is allergic to birds, steer clear of cockatoos. 

African Greys

Another extremely dusty birds are African Grey. While many say that they haven’t noticed much dander from these birds, they are actually dander-based birds and can produce of lot of them. 


Cockatiels are relatively smaller in size but they are no less in producing dander. It is actually quite hard to live in the same house as a cockatiel without having a proper way to control the dust. An air purifier and HEPA vacuum cleaners are almost indispensable to keep the place dust free.   

Other Dusty Birds 

Pionus Parrots and Macaws are also one of the more dusty birds. They do not have a preening gland like most other birds and hence rely on dust for preening their feathers. Amazon parrots on the other hand have a partially developed uropygial gland which also contributes to their production of dust.

Tips To Reduce Bird Dander In Home

No bird is completely hypoallergenic. The birds mentioned in the list do not produce as much dander and are safe for most people who are allergic. But it is always better to take precautions and keep your house clean. Here are some tips to help you reduce the overall amount of dander your bird produces:  

  • Give your parrot regular baths to reduce dander.
  • Clean your parrot’s cage and surrounding areas regularly.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to remove dust.
  • Consider using an air purifier with a HEPA filter.
  • Make changes, such as avoiding carpets and choosing furniture that is easy to clean.
Dorson Joseph
Dorson Joseph

I'm Dorson, a bird enthusiast who's had a lifelong fascination for the avian world. I am a parent to my beloved Senegal parrot and budgie, which has deepened my love for avian creatures and taught me a lot over the years. I co-run a bird store and care center with my friends, where we work with experienced professionals to care for our flock. Now, I find great joy in sharing my knowledge with others, hoping to assist fellow bird keepers and enthusiasts in understanding birds and helping them live happy lives.

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