Mouse eating parrot food

Do Parrots Attract Mice? (How To Keep Them Out?)

Mice are like unwelcome guests for parrot owners. These opportunities rodents come out in search of food and your parrot’s cage is the perfect place for that.

Parrots do not directly attract mice, but their messy habits can be an open invitation to these pests. Parrots tend to make a mess around their cages by spiling and sometimes purposely throwing their food, which can draw mice and rats to them.

For some people, mice infestation can be a real problem. If you have such a situation at your house, you should be aware that mice can carry diseases and can infect your parrot if they come into contact with them. So, it’s crucial that you deal with the infestation before it affects your parrot.

Are Mice Dangerous To Parrots?

Mice can be a threat to parrots, especially smaller species like budgies. Larger parrots like macaws and cockatoos can hold their own and sometimes even kill the mice if they have a face-to-face encounter. 

However, a physical brawl between parrots and mice is the least of your concerns. Mice are sneaky and opportunistic animals. They do not necessarily come to your parrot’s cage to attack them. They come quietly to steal the leftovers and often run off unnoticed.

But in doing so, they may contaminate their living area and possibly spread diseases. Rodents can carry various diseases that can affect parrots. Sometimes if the mouse finds a baby parrot in the enclosure, it may attack it and even eat it.

Can Parrots Get Diseases From Mice?

Besides stealing your parrot’s food, mice also pose risks to their health. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mice are carriers of many diseases including Hantavirus and Salmonellosis. These diseases can spread through the rodent’s poop, saliva, and even via air that is contaminated. 

Of the many disseases that rodents may transmit, parrots are at a high risk of contracting Avian Salmonellosis. It is a fatal disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella. Birds affected by this disease may show signs of lethargy, and appear emaciated. Baby parrots and elderly birds are affected more often.

Other than this, mice can sometimes also carry, mites and ticks in their fur which may transfer themselves to parrots. If mice visit your parrot’s cage frequently, there’s a chance they may have picked up feather mites from them.

What Attracts Mice To Parrot’s Cages?

Like all other household pests, mice are love food. Food can attract mice quite easily, more specifically food that is lying around in the open. Mice can sniff out seeds, pellets, and snacks kept in the parrot’s cage

Parrots have the habit of spiling or sometimes even throwing their food, which is the reason mice often come to their cages. But aside from that, mice can also be drawn to the smell of parrot droppings. 

Mice can also be seen seeking shelter at the bottom of the cage, especially if the place is covered with towels or newspaper. It is a warm space for the mice to be in.

These are the things mice are commonly attracted to:

  • Bits of food
  • The smell of parrot poop
  • Cage bottom with newspaper shredding

Do Parrots Eat Mice?

If the mouse is smaller than the parrot, it will usually get eaten. Mice and rats are more of a threat to smaller species and baby parrots. 

Being omnivores, It is not uncommon for parrots to eat mice and other pests in the house. However, you should not allow this. Mice can be a healthy hazard for your parrot.

As mentioned, mice and rats are often disease-infested. So eating them can be risky for your parrot’s health. If you suspect that your parrot may have eaten a mouse, contact an avian vet immediately.

How To Keep Mice Out Of Parrot Cages?

Mice can be quite troublesome if they get into your house. Not only do they break stuff and create a mess, but they also carry diseases that can make both you and your bird sick.

There are various ways to deal with rodents but might be different depending on your situation. If you have a serious mice infestation, it would be better to call for professional help. But if you’ve suddenly started seeing mice and rats in your house you can use the following methods:

Clean The Cage Often

Food is the primary reason why mice come to your parrot’s cage. If you do not clean your parrot’s living quarters often enough, this can be a reoccurring problem.

You cannot do much about your parrot making a mess and playing with their food. It is normal to have leftover food being thrown around by your parrot. But it should not be left on the floor for long. 

Rodents can find their way to your house and your parrot’s cage by the smell of food. You should clean out your parrot’s cage at least once in two days if you have a mice problem. Cleaning your parrot’s cage regularly will automatically deter rodents. 

Rodent-Proof The Parrot’s Cage

The gap between the cage bars is not enough to keep mice out as you would imagine. Mice can slip past the narrowest of openings, so getting into the cage is not an issue for them.

You need to ensure that they aren’t able to go near the cage. Fortunately, there are a few natural mouse repellents that are also safe for birds. Here are some repellents you can use:

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective deterrent for mice. You can sprinkle it where you believe the mouse comes from and it will help keep them out. Also, it is completely safe for your parrot.

Pepper Or Chili Flakes 

The strong smell of cayenne pepper and other types of peppers is known to deter mice. They will be uncomfortable for mice but not for your birds or you.

Essential Oils

Unlike other items mentioned, the smell of essential oils will actually improve your home’s ambiance and also work to fend off rodents. To use essential oils as mice repellents, you need to dilute them in a spray bottle.

Then, you may spray it around the places you think the mice may be coming from. Alternatively, they can also be used in cotton balls. You can spray the liquid on the cotton balls and keep them near the cage. You may replace them in 1- 2 weeks.

Disinfect Your Parrot’s Cage

Along with the measure to keep pests out, you should also thoroughly disinfect your parrot’s cage. Anything that mice may have touched, such as toys, food bowls, perches, and other accessories must be properly cleaned or replaced.

You can use apple cider vinegar to clean your parrot’s belongings and let them dry out under direct sunlight to kill off any bacteria that might survive.

Dorson Joseph
Dorson Joseph

I'm Dorson, a bird enthusiast who's had a lifelong fascination for the avian world. I am a parent to my beloved Senegal parrot and budgie, which has deepened my love for avian creatures and taught me a lot over the years. I co-run a bird store and care center with my friends, where we work with experienced professionals to care for our flock. Now, I find great joy in sharing my knowledge with others, hoping to assist fellow bird keepers and enthusiasts in understanding birds and helping them live happy lives.

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