Parrot screaming loudly

Why Does My Bird Scream When I Leave The Room? 

Birds are naturally social creatures that prefer to be with their flock or family members. They have learned to coexist with us and crave our companionship because we have raised them to interact with people.

But as our busy lives demand our attention, it’s not always possible to be with our birds at all times.

In fact, more often than not we have to leave them alone. This can sometimes lead to feelings of abandonment, boredom, and anxiety in birds and even become the cause of negative behaviors, such as excessive screaming.  

Boredom is often the primary reason why birds scream when you leave them alone. However, other factors such as fear and separation anxiety may also play a role. If your bird does not know how to engage with its environment or play on its own, the problem will likely persist. This is why It’s important to encourage foraging activities which can keep them entertained and mentally stimulated even when you’re not around. 

This type of screaming can be categorized as screaming for attention. It is a behavior where the bird exhibits loud vocalizations in an attempt to get a reaction from you.

This behavior is particularly common in birds that require more social interaction and companionship such as cockatoos, cockatiels, and other parrot species. 

The screaming may continue for quite some time after you leave the room which can be an issue for your neighbors too.    

But before we dive into strategies to solve this problem, it is important we fully understand the reasons for such behavior.  

Reasons Why Your Bird Screams When You Leave The Room


A bored bird makes for a loud screamer. Think of it this way, you always have someplace to go, whether it is work, hanging out with friends, or just a walk in the park. But those aren’t so much an option for your bird.

Birds live mostly alone at home for long periods without anyone taking them outside or playing with them. It is why boredom is one of the most prominent reasons why a bird may scream when you leave it alone. 

But that does not mean that they cannot be left to themselves. A bird that has been poorly skilled at accessing the environment around them is more likely to get restless and scream. On the other hand, a bird that knows how to interact with the surroundings and keep itself busy will have a positive experience in the house and appreciate your presence more.

Separation Anxiety 

Many bird owners do not know this but separation anxiety is common in birds with high social needs. Birds who suffer from depression sometimes tend to develop clingy behavior. 

If your bird spends long hours alone in its cage without any form of stimulation, it may become depressed and yearn for your attention. This can lead to behavioral issues, such as feather plucking, not eating food, and excessive screaming. Neglecting your bird’s social and emotional needs can have a significant impact on its well-being.

Like any social being, birds crave attention and thrive on interaction with their owners. Spending time with your bird, engaging in playtime, talking, and doing other fun activities can help keep your bird mentally and emotionally stimulated. By providing your bird with the attention it needs, you can help prevent behavioral issues and promote a stronger bond with them.


Screaming can sometimes come as a stress response when your bird is feeling vulnerable. As prey animals, birds are hardwired to be constantly vigilant and on high alert. Any perceived threat or change in their environment can trigger a stress response, including screaming.

Maybe your bird does not feel safe in the environment it is in or it needs you to make it feel more secure. It’s important to understand the underlying cause of your bird’s stress and take appropriate measures to alleviate it. For instance, if your bird is stressed due to loud noises or unfamiliar visitors, you can create a safe and quiet environment for it to retreat to. 


Birds are highly social and attention-demanding creatures that thrive on interaction with their owners. When they don’t receive the attention they crave, it’s not uncommon for them to scream to get noticed. 

This is especially true for birds that have developed strong bonds with their owners and have come to rely on them for entertainment and stimulation. Birds that feel neglected or isolated can resort to screaming as a way to draw attention to themselves and remind their owners that they’re there.

How To Prevent Your Bird From Screaming When Left Alone?

Fixing your bird’s screaming behaviors can be a challenging journey. Birds do not learn or unlearn behaviors in the same way as other pets do. It requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of your bird’s unique personality and needs. Here are the steps you can follow to minimize your bird’s excessive screaming. 

Ignore The Screaming

It has been rightly said that sometimes the most effective way to solve a problem is to simply ignore it. Take, for instance, your bird’s misbehavior.

When your bird screams, it’s likely an attempt to have your attention. However, responding to their screeching only reinforces the bad behavior, encouraging them to scream even more.

Taking harsh actions like covering their cage with a cloth or yelling at them to stop the screaming is not effective in solving the issue. Even approaching their cage can further solidify their screaming behavior.

Instead, it’s important to discourage this behavior by ignoring it and establishing the desired behavior. Over time, your bird will realize that screaming doesn’t do anything for them and will learn to avoid it.

By taking a patient approach and being consistent with your training, you can train your bird to communicate without resorting to disruptive and unpleasant screaming.

Encourage Soft Vocalisations  

Birds need to use vocalizations to communicate but they need not be loud. Once you’ve made it clear to your bird, that screaming won’t get your attention, it is time to inculcate the desirable behavior you want it to exhibit. 

Soft vocalization or “quiet talking can be taught by talking to them in a gentle tone. Birds are more likely to engage in soft vocalizations when they feel calm and relaxed. When your bird engages in soft vocalizations, reward them with praise and treats.

Positive reinforcement is key to teaching your bird to engage in certain behaviors. When you hear your bird making soft vocalizations, say “good job” or “good talking” and offer them a small treat.

Encourage Foraging 

Foraging is a natural behavior in birds. In the wild, birds spend most of their day searching for food. When birds are kept as pets, they are often confined to cages or limited indoor spaces, which can be monotonous and boring for them.

Fostering an environment that allows the bird to get in touch with its roots can improve their interaction with the surroundings even when you’re not there. It provides them with mental and physical stimulation, which is essential for their well-being.

By creating an environment of foraging inside the house, you can replicate the natural foraging behavior of your pet bird. This can be done by providing toys, perches, or puzzles that require the bird to engage in its surroundings. 

For example, providing them with foraging boxes, hanging baskets, and treat dispensers simulates their way of finding food in the wild. These activities provide birds with mental stimulation and can help prevent boredom as well as minimize the screaming when left alone.

Games & Exercise 

Your bird won’t have the time to scream when it’s too busy playing on its favorite foraging box. It’s as simple as that. 

Providing your bird with toys, perches, and other interactive items can help prevent boredom and make for a fun and engaging experience. It can also offer plenty of mental stimulation and help keep their beak and mind occupied. 

In addition to teaching them how to have a good time at home, birds also require regular exercise to drain out the extra energy they have. 

To exercise your bird, you can set up perches at different distances and heights to encourage flight, also and provide them with a designated area where they can practice climbing, swinging, and chewing. 

Bond With Your Bird

Having a strong bond with your bird goes a long way in inculcating the desired behaviors. Spending quality time, talking, offering treats, and providing a comfortable living environment helps to build trust and creates a deeper connection with your bird. 

When you spend more time interacting with your bird, it starts to recognize you as its family rather than just a caretaker which makes them more likely to listen to your commands and obey you.


The road to fixing your bird’s screaming behaviors may not be an easy one, but with patience, you can help teach it to communicate in an appropriate way.

Dorson Joseph
Dorson Joseph

I'm Dorson, a bird enthusiast who's had a lifelong fascination for the avian world. I am a parent to my beloved Senegal parrot and budgie, which has deepened my love for avian creatures and taught me a lot over the years. I co-run a bird store and care center with my friends, where we work with experienced professionals to care for our flock. Now, I find great joy in sharing my knowledge with others, hoping to assist fellow bird keepers and enthusiasts in understanding birds and helping them live happy lives.

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