Palm cockatoo - world's most expensive parrot

11 Most Expensive Parrot Species In The World

Parrot lovers don’t mind spending big on purchasing their preferred exotic birds. The vibrant colors, remarkable intelligence, mimicking abilities, and affable nature of these parrots make every penny spent well worth it.

However, some parrots are just more pricey compared to others. These parrot species are more expensive due to various factors including rarity, attractiveness, legal restrictions, and high demand. In this feature, we’ll be looking at 11 of the most expensive parrots in the world.

Derbyan Parakeet – $1500–$2000

Derbyan parakeet

The Derbyan parakeet (Psittacula derbiana), also known as the Lord Derby’s parakeet hails from parts of eastern Indian, Tibet, and southern China. 

To some extent, these birds resemble the ringneck parakeet but have a more visually striking appearance and a coat of feathers that is splashed with multiple hues. 

The Derbyan parakeet has lilac breasts, abdomen, and head. Its back and wings are bright emerald green with splashes of yellow on the wings. It also has a prominent black stripe that runs across its chin, which looks like a beard. 

The Derbyan parakeet is among the few sexually dimorphic parrot species. The males have a distinct red-colored beak while females have black bills.

Yellow-Naped Amazon – $2000–$3000

Yellow-naped amazon

Like other Amazon parrots, the Yellow-Naped Amazon has exceptional talking abilities and is considered one of the most proficient mimics among parrots. This intelligent and social bird displays affectionate and playful behaviors and has an inquisitive nature. 

Blue-Fronted Amazon – $500–$3000

Blue fronted amazon

The colorful plumage and charming vocal abilities of the Blue-Fronted Amazon make it one of the most sought-after parrots. It is among the best talkers in the parrot kingdom and has a friendly personality. When socialized, they can become great family pets though they do have the tendency to gravitate more towards one person.

Scarlet Macaw – $2000–$3000

Scarlet macaw in the wild

The scarlet macaw is a big and colorful parrot native to humid evergreen forests of Central and South America. It has a bright red color plumage with splashes of yellow, green, and blue on its wings. Scarlet macaws make wonderful pets and have a lively personality. Because of their huge size, they require a large cage and a good amount of out-of-cage time. 

Galah Cockatoo – $2500–$3500

Galah cockatoo

Donning an elegant combination of soft pink and grey plumage, the Galah is an ethereal-looking bird. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, what makes the Galah particularly endearing is its friendly and sociable nature.

It is an intelligent parrot capable of forming strong bonds with its human companions. The Galah exhibits a playful demeanor, which makes it not just a visually enchanting addition to the household but also a cherished and amiable companion.

African Grey – $1500–$4,000 

African Grey Parrot

The African Grey is one of the most coveted birds worldwide. It has a dark charcoal grey plumage which is unlike any other parrot species on the list. But its distinctive appearance is only one of the reasons that makes it so special. 

The African grey is the most intelligent parrot species and the most adept talker among all. Its cognitive abilities are similar to that of a 5-year-old child. It is also an endangered parrot species. Due to its rarity, and high level of intelligence, the African Grey commands a higher price in the market.

Blue-Throated Macaw – $1500–$5,000

Blue-throated Macaw

The Blue-Throated Macaw is the rarest of the macaw parrots. Interestingly, this species was thought to be extinct until 1992 when it was rediscovered in South America. The blue-throated macaw has been listed as critically endangered with only 350–400 individuals remaining in the wild.

It is slightly smaller in size than the Blue and Gold Macaw and has similar plumage colors. Blue-throated macaws have a beautiful teal-blue patch of feathers on their throat and blue lines around their eyes. As pets, they are very affectionate and loving. They are also very social, inquisitive, and quite intelligent.

Blue-Eyed Cockatoo – $5000–$6000

Blue-Eyed Cockatoo

The Blue-eyed Cockatoo is not much different from the white cockatoo except a bright blue ring encircling their eyes. For the most part, it is a sweet-natured bird, but like all cockatoos, its loud calls can be ear-piercing. The blue-eyed cockatoo is a rare subspecies of white cockatoos with populations in decline, which is why it is so expensive. 

Major Mitchells Cockatoo – $3500–$7000

Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo

Also known as the pink cockatoo, Major Mitchell’s cockatoo is a medium-sized bird that is found in Australia. It has a beautiful pink coat of feathers and a remarkable crest. The crest when raised, has bands of red, orange, and yellow. It is a threatened species with a decreasing population, which is why it is not easily available in the market. 

Hyacinth Macaw – $5000–$12,000

Hyacinth Macaw

With breathtaking cobalt blue feathers, eyes that are etched with yellow markings, and a strong black beak, the Hyacinth Macaw looks like a piece of art. It is no wonder why it is so beloved. 

The grandeur of its stature is only elevated by the fact that it is the largest parrot in the world. It is a giant bird yet an elegant and gentle companion. 

According to the Federal Register, The hyacinth macaw was classified as endangered from 2000 to 2013 but was reclassified as vulnerable later on. However, due to habitat loss and climate change, their population numbers remain quite low. 

Palm Cockatoo – $15000–$21,000

Palm cockatoo

Also referred to as the Goliath cockatoo, palm cockatoos are the biggest of the cockatoo species. They have a distinguished all-black plumage and a tall feather mohawk.

They are intelligent and social birds but they require extensive training to be tame pets. Palm cockatoos are not your typical parrots and are not meant to be kept in small apartments and condominiums.

These massive birds require large cages and open areas to thrive. You also need to be able to tolerate loud noises because the palm cockatoo has one of the loudest calls.

One of the reasons why the palm cockatoo is so expensive is because it is a highly endangered bird. There are only about 2,000 individuals left in the wild.

And its rapid population decline is not helped by its low reproductive rates. According to Emu – Austral Ornithology, Palm Cockatoos have one of the lowest rates of breeding success reported for parrots. Conservation efforts for the palm cockatoo are focused on protecting its habitat.

What Factors Influence The Cost Of A Parrot Species?


The level of attractiveness of a parrot species has been associated with two main factors – Larger body size and diverse plumage colors. Parrots with visually striking colors and a larger size tend to look more majestic and are therefore more coveted. 

Research published by Plos One studied and compared the prices for 17 parrot species in Mexico and 11 in the USA. Both in the USA and Mexico, the prices went up with the attractiveness of the parrot species. 

In a separate analysis that accounted for differences in prices between countries, it was found that the prices of Ara (Macaws) and Amazona species were on average six times higher than the prices of other parrots. 

The study also found a correlation between the attractiveness of a parrot species and its disproportionately over-capturing, which affected its legal availability.

Demand and Availability

A parrot might be in high demand by the public, but if the species is particularly rare, its price tends to be higher. In fact, the high demand for certain species has led to over-poaching, resulting in some parrots becoming endangered. 

This decreases their wild population and availability in pet trade which further contributes to the higher prices of these endangered species. Rare or endangered species command higher prices.

Legal restrictions on the import, export, and trade of certain parrot species can influence prices. Also, some species that have been bought outside of the country may require a state permit to keep. 

Cost Of Breeding

Breeders bear various expenses during the breeding process, including, nutrition, veterinary services, and the provision of suitable living conditions for both the breeding pair and the chicks. 

Most parrots breed once or twice with a rest period in between clutches. Some breeders may breed parrots more often for more profit. However, reputable breeders who prioritize ethical breeding practices will charge a higher price for quality care and healthier chicks. 

Geographic Location

Prices can vary based on geographic location and local economic factors. Some regions may have higher or lower prices for certain parrot species based on their availability there. If a parrot species is not available in a particular location that would imply added cost of import. 

Age and Health

Organically, the younger and healthier parrots that are hand-raised and well-socialized are more expensive. Also, In many cases, parrots are less expensive when purchased as babies or juveniles compared to when they are full-grown adults. 

Dorson Joseph
Dorson Joseph

I'm Dorson, a bird enthusiast who's had a lifelong fascination for the avian world. I am a parent to my beloved Senegal parrot and budgie, which has deepened my love for avian creatures and taught me a lot over the years. I co-run a bird store and care center with my friends, where we work with experienced professionals to care for our flock. Now, I find great joy in sharing my knowledge with others, hoping to assist fellow bird keepers and enthusiasts in understanding birds and helping them live happy lives.

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